Back to School, Back to School!
There is one thing that I wish I could communicate to all of my client’s parents and caregivers about back-to-school season. In fact, I wish I could rent out fancy billboards with light up arrows and giant graphics to let them know that turbulent times are ahead. It is BACK TO SCHOOL season and while we promote this as something exciting it is also a time of anxiety provoking questions and uncertainty.
Activities for Anxious Kids
When your child is anxious, no matter how old they are, it can feel impossible to help them stop worrying. There are some ways you can help, though.
How to Deal with an Anxious Child
Having an anxious child can be one of the hardest things for a parent to handle. Their anxiety can disrupt even the smallest of daily activities and make sleeping a nightmare. But knowing what to do to help them can be confusing.
How to Stop Back Talk
Kids Talking Back
How do we stop this behavior? It can be rude, defiant, disrespectful, and seriously hard to handle. You may find yourself irritated, angry, and frankly at a loss about how to stop it.
How to Get Kids to Listen
How to Get Kids to Listen
Getting kids to listen— it’s one of the biggest frustrations of parenting. This really is one of the number one questions we ask as parents, teachers, and adults who interact with children on a regular basis.