Live parent classes

If you’d rather, you can enjoy the community and connection of our live parent classes, available with sufficient enrollment. We meet virtually so you can learn from your desk on your lunch break. Our 10-week classes teach you the skills play therapists use, giving you a way to get control of day-to-day interactions. We’ll give you tools that you can use right away to set limits, make your days run more smoothly, all while improving your relationship. Studies show that kids’ behavior improves at home and at school, ADHD symptoms are decreased, and parents’ attitudes toward their kids improve after learning the curriculum that we use in our parent classes. 

Research studies have shown that these classes can:

  • Reduce or eliminate behavior problems

  • Enhance the parent-child relationship and marital relationship

  • Develop responsibility and self-control in children

  • Increase children's self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Increase parents' feelings of warmth for their children

If you’d rather, you can enjoy the community and connection of our live parent classes, available with sufficient enrollment. We meet virtually so you can learn from your desk on your lunch break. Our 10-week classes teach you the skills play therapists use, giving you a way to get control of day-to-day interactions. We’ll give you tools that you can use right away to set limits, make your days run more smoothly, all while improving your relationship. Studies show that kids’ behavior improves at home and at school, AdHD symptoms are decreased, and parents’ attitudes toward their kids improve after learning the curriculum that we use in our parent classes.