What Is a Parent Coach and How Do I Find One in Houston?

I don’t know about you, but I knew a lot more about a lot less important things than parenting when I had my first child. Sure, I read a lot of books and even had experience taking care of kids. But being in charge of the care, feeding, well-being, and overall success of a small human? Whole new experience.

What I needed then and throughout my kids’ younger years was a parent coach--and I had no idea such a thing existed. It makes sense, though, right? We have coaches for everything else in our lives: soccer, business, testing, nutrition, you name it. Sometimes things are not going great with your kids and you don’t know quite what to do. There’s nothing really WRONG with anybody, so you don’t think you need to find a child or family therapist, but you know you could use some support. That’s where a parent coach comes in. They can help you identify what’s off, set goals that matter for your family, give you strategies to reach them, and then help you put it all together to get you where you want to go.

So how do I find a parent coach in Houston?

In a city the size of Houston, it can be hard to know how to narrow down your search. Here are some ideas for finding a parent coach.

Start with your network.

If you think a parent coach might be a beneficial addition to your family’s team, talk to people in your life who you trust. It might be a neighbor, a friend, a clergy member, or a doctor--it could be anyone who you believe would hold your concerns in confidence and be up for helping connect you to someone in their network that could help.

Search online.

Searching online can give you options for finding parent coaching in Houston. You may find some names and descriptions that interest you and be able to check out their websites or social media. Are they clear about how they can help? Does their approach seem like it’s a fit with your parenting style and values? A good parent coach should offer you an opportunity to ask them some questions before you book an appointment so you can know if you feel comfortable entrusting them with the important work of helping your family work better.

Ask a mental health professional.

Parent coaching is NOT therapy. There’s no diagnosis for you or your child and you’re not in treatment. But lots of therapists know the value of parent coaching and frequently recommend professionals they trust if they don’t provide the service themselves. A parent coach can help, for example, if parents have decided to divorce or separate, so a couples counselor may recommend a parent coach they trust to help mom and dad know the best way to discuss what’s happening with their kids, talk through different household expectations, and other practical matters.

Talk to your child’s school counselor.

Every school counselor I know in Houston wants their students to succeed, and they frequently keep a list of professionals they think might help with that goal. 

Check with other helping professionals.

Pediatricians, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech and language pathologists all know that parents need support sometimes. Their little patients thrive only with a confident parent who has what they need. They can each be a great resource for ideas about how to find a parent coach in Houston. 

If the idea of a parent coach sounds interesting, helpful, or downright necessary to you, consider it. It can be a time-limited and cost-effective way to learn new things, have someone help you hone your skills, and solve some problems for your family, all without anybody being in therapy. 

Feel like you could use some more information about parent coaching in Houston? We’re here. You can call us at (713) 936-0633 and set up a free phone consultation with one of our parent coaches. We’ll answer your questions and can set you up if you think a coach is a good addition to your family’s team.


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